Newsroom - 会社案内 - Raritan



Japan's Leading Social Networking Site Uses Raritan's Intelligent Power Management Solution to Manage Energy and Growth in Server Racks

Posted on February 17, 2011

— Raritan Dominion PX Power Distribution Units (PDUs) implemented in data center supporting CyberAgent’s Ameba, one of the largest Japanese blogging and social networking sites —

Somerset N.J. and Tokyo (February 16, 2011) – Raritan today announced that it has delivered the first shipment of Dominion® PX intelligent PDUs to CyberAgent, Inc., a full-service web media/advertising company in Japan.  CyberAgent will use the intelligent PDUs to measure and analyze detailed data on the power usage of servers supporting its growing Ameba services—the company’s flagship social networking offering with about 13 million members and 20 billion monthly page views.


データセンタのエネルギー管理ソフトウェアPower IQ iPhone用アプリケーションがiTune® ストアで発売開始

Posted on January 27, 2011


ニュージャージー州サマセット発(2011年1月26日)/PRNewswire/—ラリタンは本日、Power IQのiPhone用アプリ版を発表しました。これは、データセンタやラボの管理者が「外出中に」リアルタイムで電源負荷(ワット数とアンペア数)を確認し、サーバやラックPDUのセキュアなリモート電源管理を行うことができる初のアプリとして、Apple iTunesストアで販売されます。



NewSpring Capital Makes Growth Investment in Raritan Inc.

Posted on January 19, 2011

—Invests in Raritan’s Power Management Business—

Radnor, PA., and Somerset, NJ—January 18, 2011 – Raritan Inc. today announced that NewSpring Capital (“NewSpring”), a leading provider of private equity capital in the Mid-Atlantic region, has made an investment to support Raritan’s growing power management business that helps companies improve energy efficiency and operations in their data centers.  Funds were provided through NewSpring’s growth equity fund—NewSpring Growth Capital II, L.P.

Raritan plans to use the investment proceeds to facilitate its rapid and accelerating growth in the data center power management market through the development of new products and expansion into additional geographies.


ラリタン、IT機器のセキュアなアクセス統合管理ソリューション CommandCenter Secure Gatewayの仮想アプライアンス版販売開始

Posted on January 13, 2011


ラリタン(本社:米国ニュージャージー州サマセット、日本法人:ラリタン・ジャパン株式会社、 東京都港区)は、本日よりITインフラの統合管理ソリューションCommandCenter® Secure Gateway(CC-SG)の仮想アプライアンス版の販売を開始しました。仮想/物理サーバの混在環境および、組み込み、シリアル機器、電源管理デバイスを一元的に管理するCC-SGの仮想アプライアンス版は、従来のハードウェアアプライアンスに比べ、導入の初期費用や将来の管理コストが低く抑えられ、より柔軟なシステム構成が可能となります。


Raritan's New dcTrack Software Greatly Simplifies and Reduces the Cost of Implementing a Data Center

Posted on December 14, 2010

—dcTrack Virtual Appliance model introduced; Release 2.4 simplifies data center capacity management and lowers operations cost—

SOMERSET, N.J. (December 13, 2010) – Raritan today announced that its award-winning dcTrack™ data center infrastructure management (DCIM) software solution is now available as a VMware®-ready virtual appliance, lowering total cost of ownership by dramatically simplifying installation and saving countless hours for deployment and configuration.  In addition, platform operating system and database licensing costs are eliminated, along with their associated integration costs.


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