The Raritan Blog

Melbourne DCD and Raritan DCIM Share Same View of Asia Pacific Market

Minder Singh
November 4, 2013

Recently, our own James Cerwinski (2nd from right in this pic) completed a long flight to attend DCD Melbourne to support our team from Australia. James is one of Raritan Americas’ DCIM thought leaders.

James Cerwinski at DCD Melbourne

As an international company, Raritan is wired into the differing needs of data centers around the world. The DCD Melbourne website gave clues to the perceived needs in the data center community of Australia. Here’s a snippet from the home page of the Melbourne show:

“As a city with a heritage in telecommunications, finance, technology and services, the data center revolution presents the opportunity to showcase Melbourne’s capabilities beyond its borders. Census analysis indicates that Victoria accounts for around one-third of Australasia’s asset base and that both new build and refit/refresh will continue to represent key requirements for this market.” (emphasis is ours)

Frank Huang, Product Marketing Manager of Raritan Asia Pacific (pic below) takes a more granular view and comes to a similar conclusion.

Frank Huang“In the Asia Pacific Rim, a lot of vendors are focused on DCIM space. Most are pushing a total solution rather than building their data centers from the ground up. Roughly 70% of the companies they’re targeting are small and medium businesses rather than huge data centers. So their budgets will not allow a total DCIM solution. The solution for most of these companies is a refit/refresh so they can more carefully move to DCIM.

“Raritan has a different approach. While we start with the overall vision of DCIM, we work in a consultative way with the customer’s total picture in mind. Often we start with power management.”

Learn more about Raritan DCIM solutions

Join Raritan at DCD Seattle

August 27, 2013

Join Chris Trovato and Kimble Jarrold of Raritan at Data Center Dynamics 2013 at the Hilton Bellevue in Seattle. It’s the world’s largest peer-led data center conference & expo and Raritan will be there.

Show Details:
Thursday, September 12th, 2013
Hilton Bellevue, 300 – 112th Avenue SE, Bellevue, WA 98004
Check back here soon for our booth number.

Exhibit Hours:
Friday, July 12th

  • 7:45 a.m. – 9:15 a.m., Breakfast
  • 9:15 a.m. – 5:30 p.m., Sessions/Exhibit
  • 5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m., Cocktail Reception

Be sure to stop by our booth to pick up our famous LED pens and durable Solo coffee cups.

For more information, please email Dorothy Ochs or call at 1.732.764.8886 ext.1220

Data Center Efficiency Innovation Seminar

Dorothy Ochs
July 2, 2013

Meet the creators and builders of innovative, efficient data center infrastructure solutions and learn how they can provide smart solutions to your growing data center challenges.

This event is perfect for engineers and end users looking to improve productivity and efficiency in data center power, cooling, network management, and environmental monitoring.

Please join us at IO New Jersey on Wednesday, July 24th – the largest modular data center in the New York area – for an info-packed day, complete with a keynote presentation from Syska Hennessy, networking opportunities, efficiency innovation presentations, and a tour of IO.

Keynote Speaker:
Ed Lao, P.E. - Syska Hennessy Ed is a registered professional engineer licensed in various US states and has 25+ years of specialized experience focused on electrical engineering. From electrical design, testing/commissioning, project management, to training for data center operations and maintenance, he’s been actively involved in the design of mission critical facilities worldwide.

Limited complimentary passes available for DatacenterDynamics San Francisco Show

Dorothy Ochs
June 28, 2013

Raritan has a limited number of complimentary passes valued at $495.  Contact Dorothy Ochs at Dorothy.Ochs@Raritan .com or (732) 764-8886 x1220. 

Don’t miss our presentation titled “Deploying High Power at the Rack – How to Determine and Design for Peak Power Demand.”  Time: 2:10 - 2:50 PM, Location: Hall 3.  We will be raffling an Up by Jawbone at this session.

And don’t forget to visit our booth to see the latest power management and DCIM solutions.  We are also raffling a GoPro camera at the booth.  Hope you can join us.

Data Center Infrastructure Management Challenges

Minder Singh
June 13, 2013

DCIM Management

Like most emerging technologies, data center infrastructure management—DCIM—has many entrants, varied approaches, and confusing proliferation of market definitions. As a result, there is little common understanding of the problems DCIM solves. There is also a substantial gap between customer expectations and solution vendors’ promises. In my opinion, this is the key roadblock to the advancement of the DCIM industry.

DCIM can be very complex, often crossing different functional domains. Today’s point tools, such as homegrown databases, spreadsheets, and diagramming software—can only take you so far in the direction of the asset, capacity, and change management.

When sites get larger, work processes get more complex. They quickly become ineffective at helping facility managers make informed decisions about additions, moves, consolidations, and relocations.

If data center operators are to remain competitive in the future, they will have to recognize this problem and allocate resources toward its solution.

A key step is an education. Data center operators should clearly understand that DCIM solutions are more than tools or widgets that you simply procure and turn on. Like CRM or ERP deployments, they are process solutions, requiring the alignment of problem s, processes, and people. Successful DCIM deployments often call for fundamental changes in organizational work processes. So companies like Raritan need to educate and provide the tools that help data centers assess their operations and identify the key problems that they want to solve.

I also recommend a phased implementation. Experience tells me that by taking incremental steps, experiencing success, and realizing value, customers gain confidence in further deployments.

We at Raritan help customers take a practical path, first starting with addressing the most pressing need in an initial project -learning and extracting value. For example, our DCIM software suite, called dcTrack, helps a typical data center professional answer questions faced everyday:

  • How many servers do I have and where are they located?
  • How are they physically connected to the power line and network patch panel?
  • Can I place these servers in those racks?

As users dig deeper into DCIM’s capabilities, they can combine power chain and network connection management with workflow to get answers to more sophisticated questions, such as:

  • “What is the impact on my power chain?” and “Do I have available power and network connection capacity?”

The answer to these questions is found in Raritan’s DCIM solution. It knows exactly which devices are connected from the UPS to the rack outlet. Additionally, implementing a change management function, combined with a ticketing system, can help customers better manage equipment moves, adds, and changes.

With DCIM you can measure the exact capacity of space, power, and cooling—at a building level, room level, or down to the individual port level in a rack — in order to improve operational efficiency and productivity.

Raritan DCIM solutions provide the information data center and facility operators need to solve complex problems and make informed decisions regarding asset, capacity and change management. If data center managers are to remain competitive, Raritan’s DCIM solution can certainly help guide them.

Learn more about Raritan DCIM solutions

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